Socialization and Training on Making Dish Soap as a Business Opportunity in Gampong Uteun Geulinggang, North Aceh


  • iqbal kamar Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Wiza Ulfa Fibarzi Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Faisal Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Raudhatul Ulfa Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Rizka Nuralaila Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Ishak Ibrahim Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Zainuddin Ginting Universitas Malikussaleh


Sosial, Sabun, Kesejahtraan


Social welfare can be improved with various approaches, one is by empowering the community through training to make dish soap in Gampong Uteun Geuligga. This training program is held to develop human resources who can utilize their expertise. This training aims to build the creativity of the people of Gampong Uteun Geulinggang so that they are encouraged to start entrepreneurship, create a community capable of producing dish soap, and make a stronger, more productive, creative, and responsive society. This training was given to women from the PKK group in the Gampong Uteun Geulinggang area who were guided by a team of lecturers from the Chemical Engineering Department, Malikussaleh University, consisting of five people. Communities are given knowledge about entrepreneurs, home-based business opportunities, and basic principles of production. They are also given training on making dish soap, product packaging, and marketing techniques.


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How to Cite

kamar, iqbal, Wiza Ulfa Fibarzi, Faisal, Raudhatul Ulfa, Rizka Nuralaila, Ishak Ibrahim, & Zainuddin Ginting. (2023). Socialization and Training on Making Dish Soap as a Business Opportunity in Gampong Uteun Geulinggang, North Aceh. International Journal for Education and Community Service, 2(1), 12–17. Retrieved from


