Meningkatkan Pemahaman Anak Tentang Hukum Bacaan Tajwid Materi Nun Mati Dan Tanwin Di TPA Dengan Metode Halaqah


  • Nura Sahira IAIN Langsa
  • Wahyuni IAIN Langsa


Understanding, Tajweed, Halaqah Method


Utilizing the halaqah method is one way to improve students' comprehension in class. Halaqah (circle) is used to forbid different knowledge where there is discussion and a large number of people. Using the nun mati method of halaqah and Tanwin Law resources, the study was conducted on kids at TPA. This study's design incorporates four stages: planning, execution, observation, and reflection. These four phases combine to form a cycle, which is a series of related actionsIf the research's goals are not met at the conclusion of the reflection stage, it will go back to the first stage, which is the planning stage, and continue through subsequent stages until the goals of the research are met. Every child is aware of the rules for reciting tajwid nun mati and tanwin, and it turns out that after the researchers taught them, the Sidobangun Tanjung TPA's young readers of the Koran fared better than they had before. The researcher hopes that children will be able to learn the right and proper ways to read the Al-Quran in the future and will be able to improve and pay more attention to the tajwid nun mati and tanwin laws.


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How to Cite

Sahira, N., & Wahyuni. (2023). Meningkatkan Pemahaman Anak Tentang Hukum Bacaan Tajwid Materi Nun Mati Dan Tanwin Di TPA Dengan Metode Halaqah. International Journal for Education and Community Service, 2(1), 7–11. Retrieved from


