Inclusive Education Training For Non-Special Education Primary School Teachers


  • Wahyuni Wahyuni IAIN Langsa
  • Siti Habsari Pratiwi IAIN Langsa
  • Fadhillah Wiandari IAIN Langsa
  • Cut Intan Meutia IAIN Langsa
  • Masdalifah sembiring IAIN Langsa


inclusive, PPI, ABK


Inclusive education  services aim to provide educational services  for every child without exception. This article aims to describe the implementation of inclusive education training for teachers of primary schools / madrasahs ibtidaiyah non-special education. The methodology of this study is descriptive qualitative. Jumlah su bjekresearch as many as 12 teachers from 5 people from elementary schools and 7 teachers from ibtidaiyah madrasahs. The study is divided into four stages. The initial stage of case analysis, the second stage of designing solutions, the third stage of applying training and learning materials, and the fourth stage of conducting evaluations. The information obtained by  this training shows that there is an increase in learning services  provided by teachers in the form of  identification of the needs of  abk  students, the design of individual learning  programs  (PPI), and the implementation of student    learning services.  Abk which focuses  on learning objectives not on the achievement of learning materials.


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How to Cite

Wahyuni, W., Habsari Pratiwi, S. ., Wiandari, F., Intan Meutia, C., & sembiring, M. (2022). Inclusive Education Training For Non-Special Education Primary School Teachers. International Journal for Education and Community Service, 1(1), 1–6. Retrieved from